(AP Photo) |
Arroyo Stops Arlington Skid
Damon Delivers, Youk is Served, 9-2
ESPN's Steve Phillips: 'Sox Signing of Renteria Worst in MLB'
'Mets Signing Pedro Was The Best'
Cheats Skate
Make it 100 Games Bud, You're Only Going After the Manny Alexanders of the World Anyway
Fehr and Yawning: Selig Will Get Rejected on 50-Game Penalty for Steroids
(The $mart Players Using the High-End 'Roids Can Beat the Low-End Tests Anyway)
Damon Wants Stronger Penalties, 'Jason Garciaparra' Worried About 'False Positives'
Newsweek: Nomar and the S Word
Baseball's Still Not in the Clear
"Dr. X desn't sell the drugs (THG, a.k.a. the clear) to athletes, though; he prefers to deal with distributors. 'The users can't be trusted, even though they have thier (reputations) to lose because--guess what? They're users. They'll lie, cheat, steal, kill their grandma to get what they want.'...'I know my stuff is the best out there. I hear who's working with who. I know who's winning.'...'Here is this guy (Jason Giambi) with all the money in the world who's taking something you can find at Gold's Gym? You take Deca (a steroid) today and come back in 2006, and you're gonna pop (test positive). A guy on my stuff could walk into the test with a needle in his ass and not worry."... 'If the NFL wants to test for every known steroid, that's more than 100 tests per player--32 teams, 53 players, 100 tests; and they aren't cheap. And that's for known substances. I know there's 10 they don't know about.'" -- 4.25.05 Will Carroll, Sports Illustrated, The Creator (Will Carroll is coauthor of The Juice, which is in stores now)
Top Power Guys Off to Weak Starts
'Supplement' Restrictions Slowing Down Middle Relief?
Deep Thoughts
(Boston Dirt Dogs Photo / Bill Caine) |