Adding Injury to Insult

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Lethargic Sox Go Down Hard on Left Coast, 13-4
Wake Hit By Line Drive; Has Deep Contusion; X-Rays Negative
It's Offensive: Dreadful Defense by Manny, Renteria Rears Ugly Head Again
Why Can't We Get Guys Like Orlando Cabrera?
Another Good Move: Starting Millar Over Petagine or Olerud
Big Juan: Rivera Hits Two Three-Run Homers
Horror Show: Mike Myers Brought in to Face Righty Rivera
Colon Blows Sox Away with Fastball
That's Just Mike Remlinger Being Mike Remlinger
"We really didn't hit like we wanted to, and it starts with me. I need to find it and get hot because the offense goes when I go. I'm disappointed with how I'm doing."
-- 8.18, Johnny Damon on another road loss
Bartolo Celebrates Big Win Over Boston
Bogus Steroid Accusations Against Damon, Clemens
Major League Baseball officials received at least a dozen phone calls yesterday regarding a rumor MLB was about to announce that Roger Clemens and Johnny Damon had tested positive for steroids, with an announcement coming today. "Total BS," one official said. MLB and the players' union had released a joint press release last week, vehemently denying that more prominent players had tested positive in the aftermath of Rafael Palmeiro's failed test. -- 8.18, from Gordon Edes' Red Sox notebook
"I just think people want to start something with anybody. I'd be more than happy to take any test. There's no way. If I tested positive for something, it's going to be because someone threw something in a drink or did something like that. I'm used to that stuff happening to me this year. There's been so many rumors in my personal life in Boston that it's been absolutely crazy. Rumors don't bother me. I know the person I am. What else can you do about it? You're in the spotlight. There's people in Hollywood that deal with it all the time. Our team is the closest thing to Hollywood in baseball."
-- 8.18, Johnny Damon on the bogus internet chat board steroid rumors that have littered email inboxes over the last few days