(Boston Globe Staff Photo / Jim Davis) |
Season On the Brink After
Tony's Impersonation of Renteria
Dead Sox Lose Game 2, 5-4
Graff Bounces Back with Clutch Double in 9th Inning Rally
But Damon's Ugly Swings and Rent's Weak First-Pitch Chopper Ends Game
Manny Admires First Inning Double, And Turns it into a Single
Then Lets Everett Run Around the Bases While He Lollygags in Left
The Gaffe Hurt, But Wells Threw Us a Curve with the Three-Run Jack
Mueller 0-for-8 in Series, 4 LOB Last Night
Still Trying to Find a Way to Blame Millar...
"'I told him, 'My bad,'' Graffanino said. 'I asked him to pick me up.'
"Wells, Boston's money pitcher, was unable to do so. Yet in the wake of a disappointing loss, he wasn't about to blame his infielder for his troubles.
"'I was upset, yeah, but you can't show any emotions out there,' Wells said. 'I'm not going to show him up. He's played great for us since he's been here... if you point at anyone, point at me. I'm the one who hung the curveball.'" -- 10.6, Jackie MacMullan, Boston Globe
How Big Was the Error?
Hanging One to Tad

(Boston Globe Staff Photo / Jim Davis) |
Why Can't We Get Second Basemen Like Iguchi?
Oh, and Pedroia Would've Had It
And Was That Francona or Jimy Williams Answering
the Japanese Reporter's Question About Iguchi After the Game?
Wait Till Next Year
Professional Defense
File Under: Why OlderDude Needs to Start Every Game
Def Champs are Off and Running
(AP Photo) |
But Manny Won't Follow in David's Fast Steps