Soxtreme Makeover Time
(Boston Globe Staff Photo / Jim Davis) |
What Comes Around, Goes Around
El Duque Puts Damon in the Dugout

(Getty Images / Jonathan Daniel) |
Johnny Can't Hold Up; Sox Come Up Empty in 6th with No Outs, Bases Jacked. It's Wait Till Last Year as
Sox Bounced from Playoffs with 5-3 Loss
Shaky Wake Start Turns to Funeral at End
Tapper to Second, Game Over: That's Just Edgar Being Rent-a-Wreck
Manny and David Carry the Offensive Load Again and Again
Mr. Free Pass: Was it the Curse of the Awful 'C' on His Uniform?
$10-Million-'Tek Had a Horrible At-Bat, and a Horrendous Second Half
And Billy Ballgame Mueller Went 0-for-ALDS
The Graff is Half Empty: Tony Gets a Nice Hand,
but Can't Lend One in the Fateful 6th by Swinging at Balls
Must See TV: Everybody Loves Jonathan
BoSox Bats Shut Down After 6th for Entire Series
"They were better than us. Any way you slice it they were better than us. They pitched better than us. They hit better than us. They fielded better than us. Obviously they were the better team. They won three, we won none." -- 10.7, Curt Schilling on the bottom line
Every (Bart)Man for Himself
Toss 'Em: Mr.-Front-Row's Not Watching for Trot
It Takes Two to Tango
(Boston Globe Staff Photos / Jim Davis and John Tlumacki) |
But Chicago Knocks Sox Out of the Dance