Manny Wants a Meeting

(Boston Dirt Dogs Photo Illustration) |
Is It About Re-signing Millar to a 10-Year Deal?
Does He Want Weekends Off Next Summer?
A Bigger Stall in The Wall?
A Raise?
$20 Million a Year Should Tell Him All He Needs to Know
"'I get the feeling that he wants to stay in Boston, but I also get the feeling that he wants to know what the direction of the team is going to be,' said the source, who's been in daily contact with Ramirez since the season ended Friday. 'They still have to address the (general manager) Theo (Epstein) situation (his contract expires Oct. 31), they have all the free agents to decide on. There are issues. He wants to sit down and get a feel for where the team is headed. Manny wants the team to get better, and he is concerned.'"
-- 10.12, Boston Herald
Could Pedro Be the Source?

(CBS4 Photo) |
Of Course.
"Dial M for Manny:
Pedro Martinez made a show on the last weekend of the regular season to thank the Mets beat writers, handing out business cards that read, 'Pedro Martinez, Pitcher,' with his cellphone number. Call only if it's an emergency, he said. What constitutes an emergency, he was asked. 'Call me when we get Manny,' was the reply." -- 10.9, Boston Globe, Gordon Edes Notes
Yankee Doodle Manny?