New Deal for Nomar

(Boston Dirt Dogs Photo Illustration) |
Nosedive in Charlestown
"'One of the girls had fallen into the water off Pier 6,' said Victor, 'and Nomar took off to try to help her.'
As soon as No. 5 ran out the door, the other gal, who was trying to save her friend, also fell in, hitting her head on the pier with a loud, sickening smack.
'Nomar had taken off and all I could think was that the girl was knocked out and would be unconscious under the water,' Victor said.
So the former trauma tech jumped 20 feet off Nomar's balcony and into the water below!
'I swam towards them and by the time I reached them Nomar was already there holding the girls up,' Victor said. 'But he couldn't get them out without help.'"
-- 10.12, Boston Herald Inside Track
Edgar Would Have Made Critical Errors No. 31 and 32
There is No Truth to the Report that Nomar Will Miss
the Start of the 2006 Season with 'Swimmer's Shoulder'