Quotable Quotes
What might have been overheard in and around the Red Sox clubhouse following the White Sox three-game sweep of Boston last Friday...
Kevin Millar: "What's the problem? We came back from 0-3 last year didn't we? We're loose. The guys will just take a shower, go home, rest and come back and give it our best shot tomorrow."
Manny Ramirez: (Sorry. Couldn't get a quote from Manny ... he was still completing his trip around the bases after admiring his home run that brought the Red Sox to within one run of the White Sox.)
WEEI Big Show Co-Host, Pete Shephard: "I just hope that Schilling doesn't have to warm-up, sit down, warm-up, sit down and warm-up again on Saturday if it rains."
Johnny Damon: "This team revolves around me. I should be paid $10 million a year. You saw what I did in the clutch in the sixth inning, didn't you? If I got a hit there, we surely would have won. So, I'm sure you would all agree that if we're going to win, it's because of me. Manny is great. David is great. But without me hitting, neither one is going to get a chance to get a big hit. I think I proved that in the 6th inning when I popped up to the catcher with the bases loaded."
Terry Francona: "If we could have scored one more run than the White Sox in each game, I think we would have won the series."
Jason Varitek: "I'm the best catcher in the league when it comes to managing a pitching staff ... as long as that pitching staff has Pedro Martinez, a healthy Curt Schilling, a focused Derek Lowe and some semblance of a bullpen."
John Henry: "We're co-champions of the AL East. And, I've asked our grounds crew to keep our name up on top on the left field scoreboard all winter long."
Charles Steinberg: "Oh, Tessie ..."
NESN's Tom Caron: "Well, at least the Yankees aren't going to win. They got the worst of it when they won they AL East and had to travel to Anaheim to play the Angels. The Red Sox got the easier opponent, and only had to fly to Chicago. Right, Eck? Huh, Eck? Please say yes, Eck. Oh, please, Eck."
Keith Foulke: "How'd the Bruins do last night?"
Red Sox Idiot Nation: "This year doesn't count. Only 2004 really matters. Yankees suck. Yankees suck. Yankees suck ..."
-- Bill Bingham, Westerly, RI