'Progress Made' Today

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THEOGATE UPDATE: Epstein, Lucchino Had Lunch
Edes: Lack of Respect from Lucchino?
"Sources familiar with Epstein's thinking said he does not question the propriety of reporting to the CEO but chafes at times at the degree to which Lucchino involves himself in baseball decisions, and at a perceived lack of respect toward the baseball side." -- 10.27, Gordon Edes, Boston Globe
Bob Ryan: Good Fit, Bad Marriage
"We have complicated personal dynamics here. Epstein owes his professional rise to Lucchino and the San Diego Padres. They brought the young Yalie west, sent him to law school, and welcomed him into the family. They provided him with the necessary training, giving him a chance to scout and touch all the other bases that enable someone to be a modern general manager.
"They must feel exceptionally proprietary toward him. They may even feel absolutely paternal. And they may feel he simply ''owes" them, and owes them big time. He was their creation. Has he now become, in their eyes, more than merely ungrateful? Has he become, in their eyes, their very own Frankenstein's monster?" -- 10.27, Bob Ryan, Boston Globe
Herald: 'Smear Campaign Stinks'
"It was bound to happen sooner or later. Epstein is young and smart and likable, and it was only a matter of time before he recognized he could be a lot more in life than just another sheep in the great Lucchino's flock.
"Lucchino seems to fancy himself as a maker of men, a Bill Walsh of baseball who has blessed the game with select disciples. He likes to take credit for most everything his followers do – from San Diego Padres general manager Kevin Towers to Epstein – and all is well and good until the boys become men, until they want to actually have an identity.
"When that happens – and it is happening here now – Lucchino pounds his fist and puts those disrespectful little twits in their place, just to remind them that Big Daddy brought them into this world and he can certainly take them out." -- 10.27, Tony Massarotti, Boston Herald
Do the Players Hate Lucchino?
Hartford Courant: "Lucchino is despised by Red Sox players and Epstein, 31, has a good relationship with them. On his weekly interview on Boston radio station WEEI last summer, Lucchino might have breached the confidentiality the team had with players by acknowledging that struggling closer Keith Foulke went to Alabama for a consultation in May. Lucchino also confirmed a report in Sports Illustrated that Manny Ramirez requested a trade in July." -- 10.27, Dave Heuschkel, Hartford Courant
Sabean's There, He's Done That
The Star Ledger: "Overheard: If the Red Sox can't come to an agreement with Theo Epstein on a contract for Epstein to return as GM, one of the leading candidates could be San Francisco Giants GM Brian Sabean. Sabean has been a bright and successful executive in San Francisco for years, but might be tiring of constantly dealing with Barry Bonds controversy. Certainly, the Red Sox could do considerably worse for a fallback plan." -- 10.27, Dan Graziano, Star-Ledger
Sudden Impact
Boston Sports Blog: "If Theo Epstein does walk out that door, let's hope he channels Mo Vaughn on the way out with a peeved, 'It's not about the money' speech. Maybe even a Joe Morgan, 'These guys aren't as good as everyone thinks,' just to get the blood boiling a bit." -- 10.27, Eric Wilbur, Boston.com
D-Backs Interview Byrnes Again

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Did Theo Score More in 2004?
A Look Back at the GM's Moves in 2003
Epstein's Mother: "She said off camera that it never should have gotten to this point." -- 10.26, CBS4