Damon Got Scrooged
(Boston Globe Staff Photo / Dominic Chavez) |
Sox Brass Blew It with Three-Year Offer
"According to Damon, that realization hit in November, when Boston made its first offer, which Boras confirmed to be three years and $27 million.
"'I knew I became a free agent after I got the three-year offer,' Damon said.
"Boras echoed that sentiment, saying, 'I don't think he ever considered leaving before receiving that offer'"
"The Sox' only apparent action on the matter this past week was to impose a deadline of Christmas Eve for Damon to accept their offer or watch it expire. Damon said he got that news at about 7 p.m. Tuesday, a few hours before committing to the Yankees, and 'it didn't sit well with me.'
"At that point, he knew $40 million 'was their last offer . . . I thought I was more important there. I know to the fans I was.'
'''I think there was, there could have been, division [within the front office],' Damon said. 'That's what brings me here today. These guys know what direction they're taking, [they] know exactly what's going on.'"
"Cashman phoned Damon over the weekend.
'''At that point,' Cashman said, 'he was disgruntled with how the process had gone with the Red Sox negotiation for whatever reason, but he was also honest in the fact that he had a very strong bond with that fan base. Separating himself from that Red Sox Nation -- and I thought this from the very beginning -- was going to be more difficult than getting him away from the Red Sox team. That was the biggest hurdle.'" -- 12.24.05, Chris Snow, Boston Globe
Manny Shooting His Way Out of Town: Tells Damon to Go to NY
"Manny said, 'You should go to New York,' Michelle Damon told The Post." -- 12.24.05, NY Post
Father Knows Best?
"Mark it down: It's going to be another Babe Ruth. They sent Johnny off just like they sent off Babe Ruth. It's going to be another big, big mistake. They made the biggest mistake of their lives. The Yankees are going to win it with Johnny in there. I think Boston will always remember the day they let him leave." -- 12.22.05, Jimmy Damon (Johnny Damon's father)