Uh-Oh, There Goes Pedro!

(3.11.06: AP Photo) |
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Daily News: Pedro Tip-Toes Around Knife
"Pedro Martinez asked reporters yesterday why his every move is documented, and why every update he utters causes headlines."
"'Right now, maybe I should (have surgery),' he [Pedro] said before the Mets' 11-4 win against the Orioles. 'But it's not that bad for me to go out there and say, 'Hey, give me surgery.' That would be the last resort.'"
"Martinez also revealed that he received a cortisone shot to lessen the discomfort in his toe as far back as the 2004 playoffs with Boston, and that he considered getting another shot when the pain resurfaced last June.
"'The doctor didn't want to give it to me last June or July because there's not enough cartilage there to keep giving cortisone, cortisone and cortisone,' Martinez said. 'It will mess up your cartilage and eat your cartilage, and then pretty soon they will be shaving your bone, and that's what we don't want. [Surgery], that's not where I want to go.'"
"'I just hope it can last three more years.'" -- 3.15.05, New York Daily News
Mar-toe-nez Faces Live Hitters Today