Kazmanian Devil

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Here's the Real Inside Pitch:
Kazmir Has Learned How to Beat the Sox
Rally Comes Up Short, Road Hogs Drop 7 of 10 with 5-4 Loss
Today Was the Day We Needed 133 Pitches from Schill
Downtown Hall: Toby Takes Schilling Deep (Sox in Deep Trouble)
Bases Empty Again: Big Papi Puts Up Another Solo Effort
Lowell and Behold: Mike Gets a Hold of One But It's Not Enough
Alexcellence: Gonzalez Gets Hit and Raises Average to .186
Wily Mo Power Surge: Pena Passes Arroyo in Homers
Another Rudy Awakening: Tito Was Asleep at the Switch with Seanez
"That was the game. I went 0-2 and I rushed the pitch. I knew what I wanted to do. I threw the pitch thinking about how the inning was going to progress instead of being focused on making the pitch. Just a horrific mistake." -- 4.30, Schilling takes the blame needlessly
Bill James Named to the 2006 TIME 100 World's Most Influential People
Sports Figures in the 'SCIENTISTS AND THINKERS' category: BILL JAMES, Statistician: “When I asked our general manager, Theo Epstein, what he thought about James' impact on the game, he said, 'The thing that stands out for me is Bill's humility. He's like somebody outlining the Internet in the '80s and watching silently as it comes to pass,'” writes John Henry, principal owner of the Boston Red Sox since 2002. “What I call Jamesian principles infuse our thinking with a perspective that is objective rather than subjective.”