They Shall Overcome

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V-Tek Just Kicked in Yo! Captain Steps Up in the Clutch
Sox Come Back Big Time and Time Again, 9-6
First Things First: Youk Kicks Off Comebacks
Manny, Trot, Lowell, and Wily Mo in the Mix
Going, Going, Gonzalez? How Long Can Alex Last?
Saving Grace: Papelbon is a Relief Ace
''We battled back, especially to get back in the game, lose it, get back in the game, lose it -- we had to. It was a good job." -- 4.29, Jason Varitek on the comeback win
Lollygagging Ramirez Turns Homer into Triple
Why Does the Manager of the Boston Red Sox
Allow Manny Ramirez to Stay Home and Admire Fly Balls?
Struggling Loretta to Ride Some Pine Tonight