When Johnny Comes Flying Home Again

(8.23.05 / AP Photo) |
Don't Be a Hater, 'Cause He's Not a Traitor
If You're Going to Fenway Monday, Do the Right Thing
and Show Johnny What We're Made Of
"I just hope the fans there remember the good times we had together... I don't know what's going to happen when I get there, but I know I gave them everything I had... I don't want them to hate me. I don't want them to think I'm a traitor. We have enough hatred in the world without this... I don't understand some people, using biblical terms to criticize me when this is just a game. People saying some stupid things about me: 'I'm a traitor. All I care about is money. I'm not grateful.' It's crazy. People have the right to say what they want, but as long as I can go to bed at night and look myself in the mirror, I'll be all right. I know who I am. And I know I'm a good person." -- Johnny Damon: 4.26.06, USA Today Sports Weekly
"I certainly hope he will be greeted fondly for all of the contributions he made here to our success. I think that is appropriate initially, and then he's on his own." -- Red Sox President Larry Lucchino: 4.26.06, USA Today Sports Weekly
"I would be more upset for Coco Crisp if they booed me. The fans should be happy about having him, and I know he's happy about being there. I was happy about being there, too. If they boo me, it's just showing displeasure for how the team is being run and that they don't like the player they have." -- Johnny Damon: 4.27.06, The Sporting News
Video: Johnny and Michelle Cook with Martha Stewart
Your Turn: Would You Cheer Johnny on Monday?