(BDD Photo Illustration / Meir Weinberg) |
A Blast From the Past
Rocket Returns to Yankees
What Would the Red Sox Do With Roger Clemens?
Sincerely, Willie McGee
View From New York: Empire Statements
Schilling: Chimes in on Clemens, and Win No. 4
Collegian: Return to NY Was Wrong Decision
Globe: Bronx Bombshell | Old Story New Again
Fan Pulse: Good Riddance Roger
Survey: Did Sox Drop the Ball?
Galleries: Surprise | Through the Years
"Well, they came and got me out of Texas and I can tell you it's a privilege to be back. 'll be talking to y'all soon." -- 5.6.07, Texas Drama Queen addresses the Stadium
Can't Wait for the Comeback Kid
to Come Back to Boston ...
(Boston Globe Staff Photo / Jim Davis) |
The '03 Standing Ovation is Over

(Boston Globe Staff Photo / Jim Davis) |
Next Time: Nothing Personal, Just Business
Word on The Street: John Henry's Fund Gets Bloodied
"How bad does it look? You can see the figures at Henry's own Web site, and they are astonishing. Since December 2004, his main investment fund has lost a stunning 36%...
No wonder his company's assets under management are in free fall as clients yank out what money they have left. In three years, assets have more than halved from $2.9 billion to just $1.4 billion by the end of April. And the latest annual report reveals that half of Henry's clients have now actually lost money investing with him over the long term." -- 5.7.07,